
Brand Overview
If you’re passionate about wine, you want to make sure that your wine is preserved in the best conditions, Winefroz came to cover that need. Since 2006 they have been creating a luxury appliance that ensures the exact temperature, humidity, darkness and more.
They also bring to their clients the innovative experience of a virtual wine cellar, where every item is selected by experts sommeliers and you can get advice about preservation, strains and taste.
Winefroz presents a superior shopping experience when it comes to wines, it’s our job to improve their website and make it easy, clean and exclusive.

Winefroz approached us to complete their digital transformation. We redesigned their website with focus on UX/UI, improving the functionalities of the site with development chores.

The main idea was to create a store that through design, transmits the premium brand that Winefroz is. Elegance, luxury and simplicity were three of the features for this website, to align it to the way they work and provide service.